

由法官Jose Izquierdo和Avron Bernstein主持 

2023年抚养法PDF下载 更新, 《少年及家庭法修正案PDF下载, 2023年合并法律 PDF下载

This webinar is a presentation on legislative changes to dependency cases from the 2023 Legislative Session. 网络研讨会是由巡回法官Jose Izquierdo从17th 以及家庭法院办公室的阿夫隆·伯恩斯坦. 除了新的立法, it also references the Florida Supreme Court’s 2022 amendments to the Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure regarding the use of communication technology. 

观看此网络研讨会的律师有资格获得0.5小时(0).5 hours of certification in juvenile law) of CLE credit by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2308300N. 批准期限为2023年7月27日至2025年1月31日.

法官可以通过联系申请CJE学分 CJEMail@hebhgkq.com 参考课程#23-109.


由博士介绍. 安东尼Kendle和Dr. 坦纳莱特

医学专家. 安东尼Kendle & Dr. 坦纳·赖特解释了阿片类药物的常用用法和注意事项 (吗啡,芬太尼,瑞芬太尼,丁托啡诺,羟考酮) 在病人的护理和管理方面.

Attorneys who watch this webinar are eligible for 1 hour of CLE credit by contacting the Florida Bar and referencing course #2210542N.



由密歇根大学法学院Vivek Sankaran教授主讲

The session explored how attorneys can shift from an adversarial mindset to a problem-solving approach to better serve families in the child welfare system. 讨论了具体的宣传技巧, 还有系统的考虑, so that stakeholders can begin to build a system of advocacy that meets the needs of children and parents. 作为演讲的结果, attendees should be able to: explain what high quality legal representation for parents looks like in the child welfare system; describe what makes advocacy in child welfare cases different than other cases; and discuss when attorneys should collaborate and when they should litigate.

About the presenter: Professor Sankaran directs both the Child Advocacy Law Clinic and the Child Welfare Appellate Clinic at the University of Michigan Law School through which law students represent children and parents in trial and appellate proceedings. Professor Sankaran has written numerous articles focused on improving the child welfare system and has litigated cases before the Michigan Supreme Court. 除了, he conducts state and national trainings and works on child welfare initiatives with various national groups, 包括美国律师协会, 凯西家庭计划, 以及国家州法院中心.



我们知道,访问对成功实现统一至关重要, 但大流行颠覆了典型的探视做法. There is an extensive body of research on the use of virtual visitation between children 以及他们的家人 in other populations that we can apply to the field of child welfare. 这个一小时的网络研讨会,由乔治敦大学教授. 雷切尔巴尔, summarizes existing research on how to sustain parent-child relationships through virtual visitation, with a focus on how dependency court orders grounded in research can promote meaningful virtual visitation.



2017年,《返还条件》被写入法律. 通过与拉菲2平台用户登录的合作努力, 《拉菲2平台用户登录》诉讼程序, 儿童法律服务, 刑事冲突和民事区域律师办公室, 寄养和养父母协会和许多其他战略合作伙伴, the Strong Foundations team has developed training and tools to enhance the understanding of Conditions for Return so that it is applied consistently and appropriately across the state. The goal is to train each of the system partners in the area of Conditions for Return so that each party has the same core knowledge of the concept and the role it plays in reunification. 参加本次会议的参与者将能够:

  1. 解释回归的条件以及它们在依赖情况下是如何演变的.
  2. 描述一个完善的安全和过渡计划在统一过程中的影响.
  3. 列出在返回条件下团聚的程序和证据要求.
  4. 描述案件的每一方在统一过程中所扮演的角色.

注:协助满足拨款要求, 请在观看完本课程后以电邮通知“拥抱家庭” 小茉莉.fisher@embracefamilies.org.  

如欲在观看完本视频后申请2小时CLE学分,请联系 小茉莉.fisher@embracefamilies.org.



幼儿特别容易受到创伤的影响, 尤其是当他们与照顾者的关系受到影响时.  类似的, older children and 青少年 also demonstrate concerning changes in functioning in response to experiences of trauma. Relying on specific examples of young children examined in Florida’s Early Childhood Court (ECC) system, Dr. Kimberly Renk and Judge Alicia Latimore examined the characteristics of trauma often seen in children and 青少年 within the child welfare system.  They discussed various ways in which judges presiding over dependency cases can best encourage the efforts of high-risk parents to organize trauma-related feelings and behaviors in themselves and their children.  另外, valuable suggestions were given regarding evidence-based interventions that may be useful for remediating the effects of trauma for children, 青少年, 以及他们的家人.



提出了 by: Zandra Odum, Vanessa Snoddy, and Stephanie Zimmerman of The Department of Children and Families

The Family First Prevention 服务 Act (FFPSA) of 2018 represented the most significant reform to federal child welfare policy in decades. FFPSA includes historic title IV-E funding reforms to help keep children safely with their families and avoid the traumatic experience of entering foster care, 强调孩子在家庭中成长的重要性, 并有助于确保儿童处于最不受限制的位置, 当需要寄养时,大多数家庭式的环境适合他们的特殊需要. FFPSA calls on states to fundamentally reconsider their approach to child protection and family support and move to a front-end prevention and child wellbeing system of care. Full implementation of the act will take several years for states to make a successful transition. 在这次演讲中, participants will get an overview of FFPSA and learn how the federal legislation impacts the child welfare system of care, specifically the placement of children in foster care and service delivery to children in-home with their caregivers.

资源: 司法概览,2021年8月PDF下载, FFPSA规定概述PDF下载



提出的: George罗伯茨

The Florida 依赖 Court Information System (FDCIS) is a web-based case management system that provides the judiciary with resources to ensure timeliness of court events, 其目标是为佛罗里达州受虐待和被忽视的儿童取得积极成果. 专为法官而设, 法官, 和法庭人员, FDCIS提供统一和可靠的数据,以满足适当的时间框架. The system utilizes data exchanges with various agencies to eliminate duplicate data entry and enriches the breadth and depth of dependency case knowledge. Participants attending this presentation will have an opportunity to view a live demonstration of the system and ask questions of the system administrator.

资源: FDCIS用户访问表PDF下载, FDCIS概述PDF下载


