Stalking and Cyberstalking in Criminal Proceedings Interactive Training Module

On this page, you will find the training modules covering Stalking including cyberstalking and sexual violence in criminal proceedings. The first module formatted into five chapters. Click on each chapter to complete the module. 

Chapter 1: Introduction to Stalking

In this chapter, you will learn about the acts that define stalking and the prevalence of stalking among diverse groups. You will also learn about the impact stalking can have on victims of stalking, plus Florida’s statutory definition of stalking and Florida case law. This chapter will provide a foundation for understanding the crime of stalking and its impacts.

Chapter 2: Stalking Dynamics & Tactics

This chapter explores stalking behaviors and describes different types of stalkers. It also examines victim responses to stalking. The chapter offers a basis for evaluating stalking behaviors and victim impact within the framework of Florida stalking law. Finally, the chapter explores how stalking intersects with other crimes, including sexual violence and domestic violence.

Chapter 3: Cyberstalking and Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence

Cyberstalking, or technology-facilitated stalking, refers to the use of the internet and other digital technologies to harass or stalk another person (National Network to End Domestic Violence [NNEDV], 2017). This chapter will address the prevalence, impact, and the methods perpetrators commonly use to cyberstalk victims. The Florida law criminalizing cyberstalking in Florida’s stalking law (F.S. 784.048) will be addressed. Additional forms of technology-facilitated stalking that are criminalized in separate statutes will also be addressed. Finally, technology evidence issues and best practices will be covered.

Chapter 4: Stalking & Special Populations

This chapter explores how stalking impacts different populations, including minors, college students, people serving in the military, and LGBTQ+ people. It examines what factors increase victim vulnerability to stalking and identifies who are the most likely offenders. This chapter also discusses barriers to reporting and victim services.

Chapter 5: Victim Safety and Perpetrator Accountability

This chapter explores the measures that stalking victims can take to seek the protection of the court in Florida. Practices that promote victim safety in injunction courts are explored, including helpful procedures, findings, court security measures, and colloquies for injunction hearings.

Last Modified: February 01, 2024